Release date: 1 June 2015
Orston phone box goes floral
Red phone boxes are a rare sight these days. Residents of a Nottinghamshire village have come up with a new idea for their redundant phone box by converting it into what they say could be the east Midland’s largest hanging basket.
The project was a real community effort says Orston Garden Club secretary Mrs Susan Marshall: “The original idea came from Mr Will Gunn who put in the infrastructure to hold the planting, Mr Nick Hammond painted the box, members of Orston Garden Club spent a day at a wholesale plant auction and bought 300 trailing plants. It took a day for our Garden Club team to do the planting. We think we have created the largest hanging basket in the east Midlands!”
The project was funded by Orston Parish Council as part of the community’s preparations for Best Kept Village judging which commences in June. The floral phone box will also be a key feature in Orston Open Gardens on Saturday June 20 and Sunday June 21 from 2pm to 6 pm.
Orston has a proud reputation as one of the prettiest villages in Nottinghamshire. It has won the CPRE Best Kept Village competition on four occasions, in category B which is for villages of 150 to 300 residents.
Media contact: Lyn Churcher, Orston Garden Club, 01949 850010 or mobile 07711 776885
Release date: 1 June 2015
Orston opens its gardens
On Saturday June 20 and Sunday June 21 from 2pm to 6 pm the village of Orston will be staging their Open Gardens event.
The event is in its fifth year and this is the first time that organisers have staged a two day event. Open Gardens is being organised by members of St Mary’s Church in Orston, supported by representatives from all the community groups in the village.
There will be eight gardens open, ranging from large gardens based around established Victorian or earlier houses through to tiny gardens packed with imaginative and creative displays. In addition to the gardens, Orston Primary School will have its raised beds and school gate planter on show.
Some gardens will be opening for the first time. New features also include Orston Allotment Association and Orston Methodist Chapel, which will present a floral display and offer refreshments.
Orston resident, Mr Patrick Newton, who is chairing the organising committee, said: “Orston has a great community spirit and our volunteers are drawn from the many community groups within the village, including Orston Garden Club who help to coordinate the planting and tending of the various flower beds and containers in and around the village.
“Our Orston Walkers group will have volunteer guides available to assist visitors. Each visitor will receive a map and information about the gardens, including some history notes. Some of our houses date back to the 17th and 18th century. We are offering a range of refreshments, so another big element of the day will be our amazing volunteers who have offered to bake cakes and biscuits and serve on the refreshments rota.
“Our Garden Club is running an extensive plant stall – the majority grown by village residents. Orston has a proud reputation as one of the prettiest villages in Nottinghamshire. It has won the CPRE Best Kept Village competition on four occasions, in category B which is for villages of 150 to 300 residents.”
Cost of entry is £4.00 and there is no charge for under16s. Proceeds of the event are going to support the maintenance of St Mary’s Church.
Media contact: Patrick Newton 01949 850115