Making Our Roads Safer Petition – Thank you!!
Overwhelming support
Your support for the petition was really heartening with 180 signatures. This level of support confirms the general consensus that there is an urgent need to improve the safety of roads approaching the village and at key junctions within Orston.
This is probably the first time Orston has investigated the question of road safety as a whole rather than on a piecemeal basis following an accident. The key objective behind the petition is “prevention rather than cure” before someone is again seriously injured, or killed.
The petition is supported by a comprehensive report with recommendations. This was developed from discussions with residents and it highlights their concerns following serious accidents and near misses on roads approaching the village and at junctions within Orston. An important request in the petition is that site meetings should take place with the relevant agencies to consider and agree specific road safety improvements.
Submission of petition
The petition was presented to the Chairman of Notts. County Council on Thursday 7th December by our County Council representative, Cllr. Francis Purdue-Horan on behalf of Orston Parish Council and the residents of Orston. Orston Parish Councillors Angela Probert and Harry Batchford, together with Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator Bob Clarke, are shown in the photograph handing over the petition to Francis, and they also attended the meeting in the public gallery in support.
Next steps
The petition will automatically trigger an investigation into road safety in Orston. Our liaison contact at County Hall will be writing to Gary Wood, NCC Head of Highways asking for a site visit which Orston’s representatives will be invited to.
The Council has until 22 February to provide a response. This will be formally published on the NCC website. It will highlight issues including whether the Council intend to take formal steps to alleviate the issues we have raised.
In lieu of this report, Councillor Francis Purdue-Horan has formally requested a site visit with highways bosses and lead petitioners. This will be with the Head of Highways at Nottinghamshire County Council and the senior District Manager for Via East Midlands.