Orston Produce Show 2024
And what a show it was!! It was so wonderful to experience a multi-generational Orston event with something for everyone. The atmosphere was positively buzzing and more than one person was heard to say ‘best show ever!’ We had a fantastic number of entries and it was especially lovely for everyone to see so many entries from the children. Mrs Smeeton had a very difficult job judging the handwriting! The Committee would like to thank Mrs Crosby and the Staff at Orston Primary School for enabling the children to complete their entries in school. Now that so many children have experienced entering the Show we’re hoping they will continue and expand their entries themselves next year! I went to Southwell Ploughing Match and there were loads of very inventive entries in the Children’s classes so come on Orston – we can do it too at our Show in 2025! We would like to congratulate EVERYONE who entered but especially the following who won our much-coveted trophies! – Jean Purdy, Wendy Richardson, James Barlow, Teresa McMahon, Astrid Moules, Holly and Samantha Littlefair and Imogen Russell. The Best in Show was won by Kim Shaw for her incredible Textile entry.
We are as always indebted to our sponsors who enable us to put this Show on and keep the entry FREE! So, thank you most sincerely to the Blue Diamond Garden Centre, Carlin Construction Ltd., Farrells Transport Ltd., Margo and Plum, Moore’s Nurseries and Garden Centre, Orston Parish Council, Orston Shooting Ground and Cllr Chris Grocock. Thank you also to our kind group of Judges who give their time and expertise so generously, and to the WI and the Garden Club for joining the fun and providing delicious drinks, cakes and beautiful plants! We couldn’t do it without you! And finally, a huge ‘thank you’ to the Produce Show Committee whose enthusiasm and willingness are unstinting! If you would like to get more involved in the running of the Show, Angela Probert our chairperson would love to hear from you!
And finally …… we were rather disappointed that there were no chutney entries this year which is unusual? Now is a perfect time to get a batch on the go to enter for next September’s show! Try Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall or Pam Corbin ( she wrote the River Cottage Handbooks) or bbc.co.uk – lots in there!
View all the photos at https://orstonparish.co.uk/gallery/2024-orston-produce-show