Orston’s Parish Council meets in Orston Village Hall on the last Wednesday of the month at 7.00pm.
The Council is made up of 7 volunteers who have the good of our village at heart.
Chair of the Parish Council is Mr Gerry McMahon.
The clerk to Orston Parish Council is Mrs Wendy Wakefield: clerk@orstonparish.co.uk
Orston’s elected representative on Nottinghamshire County Council is Cllr Francis Purdue-Horan. Please see the county council website for contact details.
Cllr Chris Grocock is the borough representative for Rushcliffe Borough Council see their website for contact details.
For information on RBC’s planning applications: please go to http://www.rushcliffe.gov.uk/online-applications for more information.
For any more information on Rushcliffe Borough Council: click here
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