Proposed Telecommunications Site – Station Road Orston
If you have any views on the attached proposal then please email Wendy Wakefield by Wednesday 5th Feb in order to consult with the company on the 6th. Cornerstone and the operator are in the process of identifying a new radio base station site to address network deficits in problem coverage areas and ‘Not […]
Public Rights of Way
Public rights of way are the legal right to walk, cycle, ride a horse, take a horse and cart or a motorised vehicle of 2,3 or 4 wheels depending on the status of the path, (mostly) over private land.
Flood Customer Service Line
Following the tour of the Notts C.C. Flood protection team they have sent a message to Orston reiterating their priority ‘Customer Service Line’ 0300 500 80 80 They say that flood risk properties e.g. those at risk of flooding on High Street, can have delivery of sandbags, “deployed as quickly as they can be sent […]
Your Community Needs You
Rushcliffe Borough Councillor for Cranmer Ward, Chris Grocock, in partnership with parish councils and village representatives, is working to develop a community Neighbourhood Plan. This will ensure a GREATER SAY and STRONGER VOICE for LOCAL PEOPLE in deciding what DEVELOPMENT is PERMITTED across our eight
Flood Prevention Team
On Tuesday 29th September a senior team from Nottinghamshire County Council flood prevention team, led by Dr Josh Wells (centre), came, as promised, to assess the drainage and flood risks in Orston.
Bon Moor Drain
The Parish Council has been in diplomatic negotiations with Nottinghamshire County Council regarding our request for formal management protocols for the upper reaches of the Bon Moor Drain (“Stink Dyke”). This drain is redundant and dry for most of the year and sprouts abundant vegetation which blocks it. This greatly increases flood risk to Orston […]
Making Our Roads Safer Petition – Thank you!! Overwhelming support Your support for the petition was really heartening with 180 signatures. This level of support confirms the general consensus that there is an urgent need to improve the safety of roads approaching the village and at key junctions within Orston. This is probably the first […]