Orston & District raised £2723.07 in 2023, a huge thank you to everyone that supported and donated.
This year’s Poppy Appeal will run from 24th October to 11th November. Since 2020 we have made the decision not to make door to door collections, however, some people who have previously volunteered have approached us this year and would like to restart this. If anyone did want to volunteer for door to door collections in Orston please let Poppy Appeal Co-ordinator Nicola Payne know npayne@hotmail.co.uk
We will be asking local businesses to support with hosting boxes containing Poppy Appeal fundraising merchandise. You will see QR codes are available offering a cashless donation option.
Should anyone not be able to visit a local business hosting a box or require any car poppies or wooden crosses please get in touch with Nicola – 2 Lombard Street.